Monday 13 May 2013

Singapore Culinary - MUST!


 KOLOK MEE!! at Jia xiang - Vivo city foodcourt
 CHICKEN RICE!! at everywhere :)
 PRATA MASSALA!! at any indian corner
 MAGGIE MEE GORENG Mamak!! - find it in Indian resto corner!
 LAKSA!! if u wanna try the normal one (gak terlalu amis) go to TOASTBOX :D
 NASI LEMAK + AYAM GORENG - at hill street resto in GARDEN BY THE BAY
 NASI LEMAK + AYAM BELACAN -  at hill street resto in GARDEN BY THE BAY
 Pork filling pie & Seafood bacon roll at Marina Bay Foodcourt!! -siau may corner-

so these all the food u might wanna find when u visit singapore. its all amazing!! and its everywhere :)

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